Attitude of Unity

K. Roy
2 min readJan 23, 2021


As the page turns on our government, whether you are happy, angry, or indifferent about the change, what is for sure is that we need to approach this next chapter with a different attitude. For some, maybe even for many, this is going to be the biggest initial hurdle. Even those thrilled with the horizon may find themselves wary, uncertain, afraid, maybe even skeptical. As any dog left out in the rain knows, being treated in a certain manner requires you to put your guard up and keep your eyes open.

But the time has come for us to use this shift as a means to come to terms with the reality of our situation. We are tired, worn out, frustrated, angry, lonely, scared. We are apprehensive of what is yet to come, not knowing how it will impact us personally, our neighbors and friends, as well as the country as a whole. Regardless of your personal feelings, the reality is that change is hard for the unready and it would seem that much of the country is unprepared for the next phase. Reaction to change is sometimes like the stages of grief: denial, lashing out, sadness, greed, fear. Those most vulnerable will need time to adjust. Those who are more ready will need to be there to assist. If only through patience and understanding.

These emotions, however necessary, will not assist us in getting to the recovery we all so much want and need. Anger and denial are just blank space and wasted effort without action behind it. Defraying of the truth, however bad one wants it to be correct, does not assist on the path to freedom, nor does it serve any justice to either the participants or those whom it is imposed upon. We can’t put our wishes in the pet cemetery and just hope for the best. We already know how that story ends and it will only further extend the inevitable truth which always floats to the surface eventually.

The time has come for us to prepare our thoughts and minds for a new nation, one that has been through an enormous amount of dissension, alienation, and a wide range of adversity caused by both the climate and the environment. It will be a challenge to face, but one we are prepared for when we choose to dig deep and decide that now is the time to be a different face of America. One that isn’t just courteous and brave, but has a deep sense of integrity, loyalty, and passion for doing the right thing for the greater good. We need to resist violence in actions and in words, as the fuel that drives it is only that of hate. We need to remain optimistic, as change is sometimes gradual. The sun rises just mere inches at a time and isn’t always obviously changing until you step back and take in the view from a distance.



K. Roy
K. Roy

Written by K. Roy


An honest look at America and what we can do to make it better.

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